Monday, June 25, 2007

Project Grad Mania!!!

I've been doing this post-grad party for a high school in New Jersey since 1998, and the students seem to get sillier, weirder, and wilder every year - and so do my caricatures! I'm only too happy to be of service. This year I was joined by Emily Anthony and Angie Jordan, along with Pat Harrington back from last year, to experience the onslaught of wired and wacky high school graduates. Can't wait for '08!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Those Crazy Kids

As you can see, fun was made of many ecstatic graduating faces and personalities at this Post-Prom in Delaware county, PA. Joining me in this melee of mean mugshots was Emily Anthony, Queen of 'not-mean'!


Also...some shots of some seriously goofy kids cheezing it up at a 8th grade dance....whereupon tears were shed... but only of laughter.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Digital Caricature Invitation/Grad Party!

Here's a digital caricature I did inviting folks to this girl's Graduation Party followed by some live samples from the actual party.