Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dirt Track Daze

I signed up for a 6-day dust and dirt filled 'Freedom Fest Fair' in Allentown, NJ a couple weeks ago - why? Seemed like a good idea at the time ... One of the worst locations ever been placed in, and attendance at the fair was sporadic - luckily I was given permission to move my tent closer to the entrance of the fest, along with my airbrush-tattooin' family neighbors, to take over the spot of a vendor who'd packed up early (a trend that was hard to resist, I admit), and got some decent drawings in, and hopefully some parties and commissions out from the few customers i did have. Never again...

I should've got a photo of all four of them, plus the individual ones I did of their kids, but oh well - this is the friendly family that worked next to me and suffered through this fest with me. Herman - the very cool, helpful dad/hubbie - helped me put together a PVC tube frame for my sign and cinderblocks cut to fit my tents legs. Was to draw at a b-day party for the little kid following Saturday, but it was postponed to a day I couldn't do! Hope to see these guys again if and when I do another festival in Jersey...

This kid had a different face for every photo i tried to snap...haha, cute - okay, that's enough kid...

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